Management of natural capital and green infrastructure.
Management of natural capital and green infrastructure.

The management of natural capital and the promotion of green infrastructure are smart investments that not only benefit our planet, but also tangibly improve our quality of life. Why should we embrace and promote these practices? Here I present you with some compelling reasons.

Firstly, the management of natural capital and green infrastructure are essential for ensuring a sustainable future. Our planet provides a wealth of natural resources that are critical for our survival, from the clean air we breathe to the water we drink. By protecting and preserving these resources, we are investing in the health and well-being of future generations.

Moreover, green infrastructure offers a wide range of immediate benefits. Urban parks, green corridors and green roofs are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also help to reduce air pollution, control flooding, and promote biodiversity in urban environments. This creates more livable and healthier cities for all of us.

The management of natural capital and green infrastructure are also sound economic investments. The restoration of wetlands, reforestation and conservation of water resources doesn't only generate local jobs, but also reduces the costs associated with adapting to and mitigating climate change. Furthermore, investing in green infrastructure can increase property values and attract investments to communities.

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